Lesser flamingos on lake natron in tanzania
Lesser flamingos on lake natron in tanzania

lesser flamingos on lake natron in tanzania

Since the lake had no outflow and received irregular rainfall, it endured thousands of years of intense evaporation from the heat. During the Pleistocene period, a rare type of lava rich in sodium and potassium carbonates ran down the slopes of the Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano and into the lake. It’s fed by the Southern Ewaso Ng’iro River in Kenya. This shallow but wide lake is just three metres deep but 22km wide.

lesser flamingos on lake natron in tanzania

Tanzania has no less than four alkaline lakes, but Lake Natron is the most famous. Lake Natron is a hypersaline and highly alkaline lake located in the eastern section of the volatile East African Rift. In North Tanzania, a unique inland lake turns wildlife to stone. That’s a legend, but a natural wonder in Africa today does just that.

lesser flamingos on lake natron in tanzania

We all know about the Greek monster Medusa, whose deadly gaze turned men to stone.

Lesser flamingos on lake natron in tanzania